Transnational knowledge transfer

To achieve this objective, various knowledge exchange activities took place. The primary objective of this output was to allow for an exchange of knowledge and information between the partner organizations and encourage cooperation. The following activities took place;

Inception workshop

Visit ASDA – EduV: Teacher Training

With the programmes "Training of Educators (TE)" and "Training of Trainers (ToT)" already established in Namibia as well as the existing curriculum and modules of the Ombombo Mobile Classroom, EduV is able to coordinate the cross-border transfer of knowledge to the partner organisations. Two employees of the partner ASDA visited EduVentures and had the opportunity to participate in mobile environmental education units at a combined school during a five-day visit. They also participated in a week long teachers training and visited 2 EEC to learn from and familiarize themselves with centre activities. The visit supported ASDA in developing and implementing its own training programme for learners and teachers.

Visit all partners to EduV: Development digital learning module Agroecology

Based on EduV’ s experience in developing digital learning modules, two employees from each partner organization travelled to Windhoek for five days to work together on the development of a digital learning module for agroecology. As a result of this activity, a ready-to-use learning module on agroecology was translated into Portuguese for use in Mozambique.

Project presentation at Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA) Conference

EEASA is the umbrella organization for environmental education actors in Southern Africa and sees itself as a consulting and coordination body for sustainable environmental education in Southern Africa. The 41st EEASA conference was held in Namibia in 2022. EduVentures hosted 8 partner organizations who attend the EEASA conference to increase collaboration among the Transnational network.

Booklet indigenous knowledge Agroecology & climate change

After centuries of cultural, socio-economic and biological evolution, many indigenous communities in the target areas have developed locally adapted, complex land use systems to secure their livelihoods. In this context, a brochure of the Indigenous Knowledge System on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, led by EduVentures was developed jointly with all partners. A total circulation of 4,000 copies was printed, of which 1,000 copies was translated into Portuguese for use in Mozambique and Angola. The brochure is also available electronically via the digital learning platform to facilitate the transnational transfer of indigenous knowledge. Workshops were held in selected Namibian communities to provide information.

Enviro Comedy street catch

This is another form of a mobile environmental theatre, only this time the action takes place in the streets rather than in a theatre. It is mainly done by interviewing people of the street also known as Street Quiz.  These scenes are performed in the streets by engaging citizens to be part of the topic. It has a much greater online audience reach compared to Enviro Comedy Theatre. It is super entertaining yet extremely educative.

For this activity, expects were given a topic e.g., Plastic pollution, Agroecology, etc. and guided by questions from the facilitator he/she was expected to discuss and give the right answers to the given topic. Having the right answers, the team went out in the streets and approach members of the public (learners, youth, elders etc.) with the same environmental questions. The questions were set to be tricky to prompt for a funny answer. The scenes were recorded / filmed on the spot with participants receiving a small appreciation gift for participating. A total of five videos were recorded, including poaching, plastic pollution, agroecology, deforestation and wildlife conflict.

Visit EduV – ASDA: Planning EEC & Teacher Trainings

EduVentures visited ASDA to support in setting up the planned environmental education centre. As they have extensive experience in cooperation with environmental education centres, the project coordinator from EduVentures gave important information on the operation, equipment and implementation of environmental education measures by ASDA during a five-day visit. In addition, three representatives from the University of Pedagogy in Mozambique also participate in a planning meeting of the training courses. Therefore, their needs for environmental education measures were taken into account from the beginning and the foundation stone for a later integration of environmental education into the curriculum of teacher training in Mozambique was laid.

Visit all partners to SPP: Demonstrations field Agroecology

As part of the transnational knowledge four people from the two partner organizations visited SPP in South Africa for a period of five days. The team comprised three people from EduVentures and one person from ASDA. Two demonstration sites where visited. Paarl demonstration sites of medicinal plants and Nuuweplaas agroecology demonstration sites where visited. In addition, a small stock farmer in the Nuuweplaas area was visited and talks and discussions where had around small stock.

Final workshop

At the end of the project a five-day final meeting was held in Windhoek/Namibia from the 15th – 19th May 2023. The aim of the event was to exchange experiences (lessons learnt), to coordinate the writing of the project results as well as the transnational exchange of information over the duration of the project. A total of two people from each organization attended the workshop totaling 6 people from each organization. Two EduVentures demonstration sites where visited, Nelago Gardening project and Ndeshihala Gardening project in the Omuthiya area of Northern Namibia.
